Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Check out this awesome new website...

My friend and awesome wedding planner extraordinaire Tracey Kumer-Moore has just launched her brand new fabulous website. Take a few minutes to stop by and check it out. I'm so excited that my images from Kaylynn & Bill's Wynn wedding are featured in their very own gallery in the "featured" section so be sure to take a look.

If you're looking for a wedding planner in Vegas Tracey is definitely top notch, her organization skills are amazing so you don't have to worry about all the little details, and she's a blast to hang out with as well... All the right ingredients to help you create the wedding of your dreams.

(image borrowed from the website)


becky s said...

Ashley, you have some great pictures! They are beautiful. Would you be interested in being interviewed for Aisle Dash? I'd like to get a photographer's perspective for our brides about the best way to choose a photog and how to get the best pics possible from the wedding. Please check out our site: and then let me know if you'd be up for an interview (email or phone). You can reach me at becky.aisledashATgmailDOTcom. Thanks for your time!

Tracey Kumer-Moore said...

Hi Ashley,

Wow, thank you for the shout out my friend!

I am honored to have your beautiful images on my website and hope there will be many to come.

p.s. Hope you got my recent email about the podcast featuring Kaylynn & Bill on Wedding Podcast Network! If not, check out my blog or go to and click on Newlywedcast! I think you are going to like this:)
